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My Journey

As an upcoming professional in the field of visual arts, my journey with photography began during my formative years. From capturing moments in middle school to refining my skills through high school and college, I have nurtured a deep passion for visual storytelling. The allure of photography lies in its ability to freeze time and evoke emotions through imagery.

During my high school years at a technical school, I delved into a Multimedia Technologies program that opened my eyes to the world of video production. Under the guidance of a mentor who sparked my interest in this medium, I honed my skills and developed a keen eye for detail. Engaging in various video assignments further fueled my enthusiasm for creating compelling visual content.

Graduating with a commendable GPA from my first college was a milestone that reinforced my dedication to pursuing a career in photography and videography. Currently enrolled in another college, I continue to expand my knowledge under the mentorship of experienced instructors who challenge me to push the boundaries of my creativity.

The support and guidance I have received from educators and mentors have been instrumental in shaping my artistic journey. Their encouragement has propelled me to strive for excellence and refine my craft. As I embark on the path towards establishing myself as a professional in the realm of visual arts, I am grateful for the experiences that have molded me into the creative individual I am today.

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